What are the best islands to visit in Galapagos ?

The  post, we'll take you through the highlights of the Galapagos archipelago, including the most popular islands and activities to help you plan your adventure with ease. The Galapagos archipelago comprises 13 large islands and 6 smaller ones. There are also numerous islets and rocky coastlines within an area of approximately 17,000 square miles (45,000 square kilometers) in the ocean. While exploring such a vast expanse may seem overwhelming at first, do not worry! This blog post will guide you through the notable destinations and activities in the Galapagos archipelago to assist you in planning your journey with confidence. We have made it easy for you by selecting only slightly more than ten islands worth visiting when you are in the Galapagos. 

see. It provides you with an overview of what you can expect to experience and encounter during your visit to each island. The following list presents a detailed account of the various places to visit and activities available on each island, along with the noteworthy wildlife that you shouldn't miss seeing. This information gives you an idea of the things you can anticipate encountering during your trip to each specific island. Be alert and watch carefully for this exciting information! Additionally, you can view the specific travel routes where this data is available. Explore the top Galapagos islands to visit! 

1. EspaƱola Island

Almost directly south of  San Cristobal is a beautiful island located in the Galapagos archipelago. It is considered to be one of the top destinations to explore on this group of islands. Among the must-visit locations in EspaƱola are Gardner Bay and Punta Suarez. Unlike Santa Cruz and San Cristobal Islands, EspaƱola offers unique experiences that cannot be found elsewhere. The region does not have any human inhabitants, but it is inhabited by the waved albatross, which is the largest seabird in the eastern Pacific. It can usually be seen from March until December. You should not miss the opportunity to discover one of the top destinations to visit in the Galapagos Islands. 

Gardner Bay

The island we are referring to is one of the finest places to explore.  main draw of Galapagos lies in its exceptional species and exclusive ecosystems. However, the archipelago's unspoiled shores, particularly Gardner Bay situated on the northern coast of EspaƱola Island, are also a crowning feature that allure visitors. The reason behind Galapagos' beach appeal becomes apparent upon arrival at Gardner Bay. The sight of the bay's white-sand shores being gently touched by clear waters is a stunning one. 

As visitors As they stroll without restriction along the extended shoreline, they observe numerous sea lions and possibly inquisitive EspaƱola Mockingbirds, which are the top predators in Galapagos. They also witness the impressive Galapagos hawk and the big cactus finch, as well as a striking blackbird that is unique to EspaƱola and happens to be the biggest of its kind. 

Punta Suarez

The farthest point on the west side of EspaƱola Island is the location to look for.  one can witness the impressive sea bird colonies, such as Nazca and blue-footed boobies, albatrosses, and swallow-tailed gulls, among others. Punta Suarez is an immensely popular destination for nature enthusiasts worldwide. The designated path for visitors provides a unique experience that takes them across the elevated volcanic terrain. into it. In addition to these natural wonders, you'll also witness various species of marine iguanas and the largest lava lizards during your visit to Punta Suarez's rocky coastline. Furthermore, the area is home to a popular geological formation known as the "blowhole", which displays an impressive spectacle as ocean waves crash into it and are channeled upward through the crevices in the rocks. The mist forms into a column resembling a star. 

2. Fernandina Island

The western most island in the  Parks, and is a prime location for wildlife and nature enthusiasts to explore. Fernandina, the youngest island in the Galapagos, is located on the western side of Isabela, separated by the Bolivar Channel. It boasts the highly active La Cumbre Volcano which has experienced major eruptions over recent years including 2017, 2018 and 2020. The island is home to two National Parks and provides an excellent opportunity for visitors interested in experiencing wildlife and pristine wilderness. There are two park visiting sites and two diving sites in the areas of Hammond and Douglas. The initial visiting site in this region is called Punta Mangle. 

Punta Mangle

 Bolivar Channel which separates Isabela and Fernandina Islands, lies Punta Mangle, a top tourist destination in the Galapagos Islands situated on the southeastern coast of Fernandina Island. Even though it is not feasible to land on this site, one can witness numerous fascinating sights from the channel. Instead of being able to relax in our boats, tourists are encouraged to use a small boat, known as a panga or dinghy, to explore the mangrove-filled and rocky shores of the island. The shores feature interesting lava cacti and a perfect spot for snorkeling. The Galapagos penguins, marine iguanas, and rays can also be seen in these areas. Various wildlife such as sea lions can be found residing in these waters and can be easily observed just below the water's surface. Mangrove ecosystems serve as the abodes of Galapagos penguins, marine iguanas, hawks, rays, turtles, and pelicans. 

Punta Espinoza

On the Fernandina's northern coast, just past Bolivar Channel, lies...  and many other interesting and unique species of wildlife. You will be captivated by the stunning landscapes and a rare opportunity to witness the behavior of these incredible animals in their natural habitats. Punta Espinoza is regarded as one of the top destinations to explore when touring the Galapagos Islands. With an expert guide leading the way, visitors can take in breathtaking views while observing various native species, such as flightless cormorants, marine iguanas, Galapagos penguins, sea lions, and more. The remarkable landscapes and chance to witness these creatures in their natural environments make for an unforgettable experience. In addition, there are numerous other things to see in this area. Another remarkable feature is the lava cactus, which thrives on volcanic rocks and requires minimal amounts of water to survive. 

3. North Seymour Island

the Galapagos, it is located just off the coast of Santa Cruz Island. Baltra serves as the main airport for visitors to the Galapagos and is therefore an important hub for tourism in the area. It has a rich history dating back to World War II when it was used as a US airbase, and remnants of this period can still be seen today. Despite its history, Baltra offers visitors plenty of natural beauty to explore, including pristine beaches and unique wildlife such as land iguanas and different bird species.  land iguanas thrive on North Seymour Island and have become a popular attraction for tourists visiting the Galapagos region. The island is situated to the north of Galapagos and is known for its large number of non-native land iguanas that were brought over from Baltra Island almost a century ago in order to safeguard them from goats that had been introduced to Baltra. The conservation efforts have resulted in healthy and flourishing land iguana population, which has made North Seymour Island a must-visit tourist destination. Iguanas coexist on the island with the biggest congregation of majestic frigatebirds in Galapagos. Despite being mostly level, the path is exhilarating due to the abundance of wildlife. Observers are guaranteed to witness male frigatebirds with swollen red throat pouches and a group of blue-footed creatures. Seven different species including boobies, basking Galapagos sea lions, and Galapagos fur seals are present on the island. 

4. Genovesa Island

city, the property stands in close proximity to various amenities such as restaurants, shopping centers, and recreational facilities. Its convenient location makes it easily accessible via public transportation and major highways. Situated in a bustling area, the property offers a vibrant lifestyle with plenty of things to do and places to see.  not easily accessible due to its distance from Santa Cruz, but it is worth visiting for its unique shape resulting from the collapse of one side of the volcano and the formation of Darwin Bay. Many species of sea birds such as swallow-tailed gulls, Galapagos storm petrels, red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, mockingbirds and finches inhabit this place. 

Darwin Bay 

, the activities offered to visitors are focused on the island's rich birdlife. Guided tours are available to explore the various species, such as Darwin's finches and red-footed boobies, and their habits. Snorkeling and diving opportunities are also available for those wishing to observe the diverse marine life surrounding Genovesa Island. Additional options include hiking trails, beach walks, and historical tours to learn about the island's human history, conservation efforts, and geology. Overall, visitors can expect a nature-focused experience surrounded by stunning landscapes and unique wildlife.  sand beach will lead you to witness the incredible diversity of bird species that inhabit this region. The Darwin Bay faces south and is a unique habitat for various seabirds. If we divide the crescent-shaped bay into four parts, three-quarters would consist of rocky cliffs and shorelines while only a small portion is made up of the beach. This site should be on your must-visit list when exploring the Galapagos Islands. Despite its rocky terrain, taking a peaceful stroll on the fine white sand of its small beach will give you an opportunity to behold a wide array of bird species that thrive in this area. Sands provide a chance to witness several bird species such as frigatebirds, Nazca and red-footed boobies, herons, gulls, finches, mockingbirds and others in the presence of prickly pear cacti and palo santo trees. Additionally, snorkeling along the crater walls forms a part of the morning trip where one can observe impressive reef fish. Among the animals inhabiting Galapagos are fur seals and sea lions. 

Prince Philip’s Steps

gardens were designed to showcase the beauty of the local flora and fauna. The gardens feature a variety of plants and trees that are native to the area, as well as several species of animals that call these gardens their home. The gardens are a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, providing a peaceful oasis in the heart of the city. In addition to being a beautiful space, these gardens also serve as an important educational resource for visitors, showcasing the importance of preserving local ecosystems and biodiversity. Rewritten paragraph: These gardens were created to exhibit the natural beauty of indigenous flora and fauna in honor of Prince Philip's visit during the mid-1960s. Native plants and trees along with various animal species residing within make up this well-known garden today for both tourists and residents seeking respite from city life. These lush grounds not only provide peace but also educate visitors about local ecosystems' conservation efforts aiming to preserve biodiversity foundations.  well-known set of stairs built with slabs and rocks, along with a handrail, allows visitors to ascend to the peak of an 82-foot (25-meter) cliff. The steps are situated on the southern side of Genovesa Island, facing Darwin Bay Beach. A panga is available to reach Prince Philip's Steps. The ascent to this place is extremely steep and can pose a significant challenge to visitors. However, the effort is certainly worth it! Once we arrive at the plateau, we will come across the area where Nazca and red-footed boobies build their nests before finally reaching the stunning colony of Galapagos storm petrels. It's the perfect opportunity to spot the island's unique wildlife. The Galapagos short-eared owl is a bird of prey that hunts during the daytime. 

5. Isabela Island

Galapagos archipelago. This island is known for its unique species, ranging from giant tortoises to marine iguanas. It is also home to numerous endemic plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Visitors come from all over the world to explore the natural wonders of Isabela Island and learn about the important conservation efforts taking place on the island. With its breathtaking landscapes, exotic wildlife, and rich history, Isabela Island truly is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Isabela Island is a captivating destination within the Galapagos archipelago where visitors come from various regions of the world to appreciate its extraordinary wildlife amid highly unique species such as large tortoises as well as sea iguanas that exist nowhere else on Earth. Its ecosystem also features many species of plants and animals which are exclusive to this particular island making it an appealing site for exploring natural wonders with a focus on effective conservation efforts in motion there. The mix of stunning vistas, peculiar fauna, and abundant background make Isabela Island an inviting escape for anyone who relishes nature or activity-related excitement. Isabela Island is the most extensive and newest landmass in the Galapagos archipelago, shaped by six shield volcanoes. Some of them have shown signs of activity through the years, such as Wolf volcano situated on the island's northernmost point, which last erupted in 2022. 

Approximately 1800 people live in the southern coastal town, which is home to the third largest human population. Puerto Villamil is an island that is approximately 75 miles long (120 kilometers). The only way to reach this island is either by boat or by taking a small inter-island aircraft. 

Punta Moreno

When touring theIf you choose to travel to Galapagos on an expedition ship, you will have a higher chance of exploring the isolated and highly-valued locations on Isabela Island. There are two significant sites that are noteworthy, one of which is Punta Moreno that faces the northwest direction. This location is found on the southern coast of Isabela Island near the Bolivar Channel's end point. 

unique geological formations and diverse wildlife. The land is comprised of sharp, black lava rock contrasted by turquoise waters. Visitors have the opportunity to observe a variety of animals, including marine iguanas, blue-footed boobies, and sea turtles. The area's rich biodiversity has made it a protected site for scientific research and conservation efforts. The reason why Punta Moreno is a fascinating location is due to the occurrence of exceptional geological structures and various types of fauna. The terrain consists of jagged, ebony volcanic stones set against vivid blue seas. Tourists can witness an assortment of creatures such as sea turtles, marine iguanas, and blue-footed boobies here. Furthermore, its abundant range of flora and fauna has led to this spot being safeguarded for scientific examination and environmental protection initiatives.  surrounding it suggests, this location is situated at the bottom of Cerro Azul, which is one of the six volcanoes on Isabela Island. The black lava rocks serve as a marker for its position. Moreover, there are numerous lagoons in the vicinity that are home to an abundance of wildlife. Here, tourists can witness various species such as white-cheeked pintails, American flamingos, hawks and paint-billed crakes. The rugged terrain surrounding this area provides visitors with plenty of adventure opportunities. It is important to proceed cautiously when moving from the beach to the lagoons. 

waterways, bordered by dense mangrove forests, was a thrilling and exhilarating experience. Maneuvering the boat through narrow channels and around sharp bends, our skilled guide expertly navigated us towards our destination. While the scenery was beautiful and serene, the occasional sighting of crocodiles lurking in the water kept us on edge. It was an unforgettable adventure that left us awestruck by nature's wonders. We went on a panga ride which took us through a complex network of waterways that were surrounded by thick mangrove forests. Our experience was full of excitement as we were guided through tight spaces and sharp turns towards where we needed to go. The view around us was absolutely stunning, but we remained vigilant as crocodiles could be seen from time to time within the waters. This remarkable excursion left a lasting impression on us as we witnessed the beauty of nature in all its glory.  numerous species such as marine iguanas, Galapagos penguins, flightless cormorants, and pelicans can be found in lava and mangrove areas. If you enjoy hiking, the path through the lava takes you to little brackish ponds that resemble an oasis in a desert, with abundant green vegetation year-round and home to various species. White-cheeked pintails and gallinules are some of the species present. 

Besides these bodies of water, there are also three varieties of cacti and remarkable Scalesia trees.