Most popular destinations in Thailand

Most popular destinations in Thailand

A minimum of 5 cities situated in Thailand have gained a position among the top 100 sought-after locations internationally. Bangkok secured the second spot in 2019 with a recorded influx of 25.85 million visitors. Euromonitor conducted the survey by including all international travelers who stayed for at least one night.

Approximately 33 percent of international tourists hail from the developed countries of Asia and Australia. Particularly favored destinations in Thailand include:

  • Bangkok, the capital city, boasts a Royal Palace, numerous temples and vast shopping complexes.
  • Phuket, which is located in the southern region of the country, includes islands in its vicinity such as Ko-Phi-Phi.
  • The past royal residences in Ayutthaya and Sukhothai, which used to be the capital cities.
  • Chiang Mai is situated in the northwestern region of the nation.
  • Pattaya is located approximately 150 km southeast of Bangkok and boasts an abundance of bars and recreational amenities.

The presence of American soldiers served as a catalyst for the increase in tourism.

Thailand saw a significant surge in tourism during the early 1970s, which marked the start of a travel boom. This growth can be attributed to the end of the Vietnam War and the presence of up to 45000 US soldiers who were stationed in Thailand and also chose to spend their leisure time in the country. This influx of American tourists resulted in a boost for Thailand's tourism industry, which flourished over just a few years. Military facilities were enlarged and converted into areas for soldiers to take rest and enjoy leisure time, where even those deployed in other parts of Southeast Asia would spend their time off. Presently, there are annual joint military training exercises in Thailand that can involve as many as 10,000 soldiers.

consequence of US troops leaving was the emergence of a reputation for the country's welcoming locals and stunning coastlines, alongside an unfortunate association with prostitution. As air travel was once significantly pricier, early tourists hailed mainly from nearby nations. The withdrawal of American military personnel thereby resulted in a shift in the region's tourism dynamics. The attendees of the event were famous hippies and travelers who discovered Thailand before it became popular. One prominent instance is the Full Moon party held on Ko Pha-ngan island, which started in the 1980s as a small gathering but grew over time to an established event. of a large number of people. The event used to have several hundred participants and currently, it is recognized as the most well-known gathering in Asia, attracting over 30,000 visitors each year. Despite being a commercialized event now, it is still associated with backpackers, hippies and non-conformists. Nevertheless, the audience has been diverse for many years. The group consists mostly of individuals who are from various social backgrounds and nationalities, but are of a young age.

Mass tourism is responsible for causing various environmental issues.

there are also significant environmental issues in a nation that has a population of 70 million people and receives more than 40 million visitors per year. Despite the boost in financial resources from tourism, the presence of tourists results in large amounts of litter in popular destinations. Furthermore, there are additional consequential environmental concerns. are hopes of giving nature a break, allowing it to heal and rejuvenate after years of pollution and destruction. Forests have been contaminated, there are issues with drinking water quality, and natural spaces have been significantly reduced. Multiple diving areas have caused severe damage to coral reefs and the fish that rely on them. However, the cancellation of the 2020/21 season due to COVID-19 presents an opportunity for nature to recover from years of harm. After numerous years, nature had another opportunity to recuperate.

Thailand's tourism industry underwent growth and expansion between 1995 and 2019. There was an increase in tourist arrivals, leading to a boom in the industry. As a result, there was significant investment in infrastructure to support the influx of tourists, such as hotels, airports, and transportation systems. Tourists were attracted to the country's natural beauty, rich culture, and affordability. The government played an active role in supporting the industry by implementing policies that promoted tourism growth. Despite challenges such as political unrest and natural disasters, the sector remained resilient and continued to grow over the years.

The chart displays the yearly count of visitors arriving in Thailand. A person who spends a minimum of one night in the country and stays for no longer than 12 months is categorized as a tourist. The survey also took into account business travels and other reasons for visiting. as a separate tourist arrival. Travel for reasons other than tourism has already been eliminated. In many countries, visitors who are only passing through for the day or those who work on ships or airplanes are not considered tourists. However, if an individual enters and exits the country multiple times in one year, each visit is counted as a unique tourist arrival. I'm sorry, but there is no paragraph provided to paraphrase. Please kindly provide the original text for me to assist you.

The information presented on the chart relates to the number of tourists expressed in units of millions. The red line displayed indicates the mean value for all 11 nations situated within Southeast Asia.

Tourists per year in Thailand

Revenues from tourism

year 1995, tourism generated a revenue of around 9.26 billion USD, which made up approximately 5.5% of the overall gross national product. This meant that around 6.95 million visitors came to the country during that period, spending an average of roughly 1332 USD per person. Over the next two and a half decades, the country became increasingly reliant on tourism for its economic growth and development. Before the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the sales in Thailand were $64.37 billion, which accounted for 11.83% of the country's gross national product. This means that each tourist spent around $1613 on their trip to Thailand.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant drop in tourist revenue. Compared to the $64.37 billion (2019) total, only $15.36 billion was left in Thailand, which is a 76 percent decline.

Tourism receipts in Thailand per year

All data for Thailand in detail

The information we have on the amount of tourists, their spending, and revenue is sourced from the World Tourism Organization. Nonetheless, in order to ensure that the data can be compared globally, we needed to manually research and correct information for certain years or countries where it was evident that the figures included visitors who did not stay overnight. The information used in these situations was obtained from the authorized messages of the corresponding tourism agencies of each country.

The World Tourism Organization highlights that in certain nations, only the airport is used as a basis for tourist numbers, while in other nations, border crossings and hotels are also taken into account. Due to this inconsistency in counting methods, it is difficult to obtain a complete and dependable report on tourist numbers in any country.